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Mr Africa International

Rickie Osaze

Rickie Osaze from Nigeria currently holds the prestigious title of Mister Africa International, succeeding Mathieu Bibasso of Cote d’Ivoire, who made history as the first French-speaking winner of the competition. Rickie triumphed over contestants from 29 other nations to claim the crown.

Since its inception in 2012 at the African Center in London, the Mister Africa International has evolved into a vital platform for male models across Africa and its diaspora. It offers them the invaluable opportunity to serve as ambassadors for the initiative, which is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship in Africa through education and innovation.

Over the years, the competition has welcomed representatives from more than 40 countries, gracing iconic cities such as London (UK), Luanda (Angola), Ibadan (Nigeria), Lagos (Nigeria), and Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire).

The list of distinguished winners includes Emmanuel Umoh, a former Big Brother Housemate who became the first Nigerian to claim the title, Akol Dok from South Sudan, a prominent figure featured on CNBC, who garnered recognition from his country’s highest offices and spearheaded educational infrastructure projects. Additionally, there’s Ian Wordi from Ghana, now a thriving actor, and Calisah Jiwa from Tanzania, renowned as one of East Africa’s foremost entrepreneurs.

The Mister Africa International, through its far-reaching initiatives, has successfully raised an impressive sum of over $100,000 USD for its various causes. These endeavors encompass providing scholarships for children in Eastern Nigeria and ensuring that children in Accra have access to quality footwear.

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